Ethical Trading Policy

At Fashion Management Systems, we strongly believe in ethical principles and the good care of our employees. We are therefore proud to guarantee that we trade according to the following Ethical Trading Criteria.

All employment is freely chosen, working conditions are safe and hygienic. Child labour is not used. Wages are fair and comparable to industry standards and will always exceed the minimum wage. Working hours are not excessive. No discrimination is practised and regular employment is provided for those who are employed on a permanent contract. No harsh, cruel or degrading treatment or practices are allowed, no bribery, corruption, blackmailing or bullying is permitted.

Third Party Suppliers and buyers are both free to sell and buy from any number of other businesses. No restrictions, as a way of guaranteeing business, are allowed. We have developed this ethical trading policy to offer strong guarantees to our customers that the services they receive from us have been ethically designed, managed and implemented.